Month: March 2020

If you’re new here, read this

If you’re new here, read this

Dear family,  Although life at Embrace a Village is different during the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to take a moment to share about life in southern Asia when things aren't quite as chaotic. Our team is dedicated to keeping our patients and their families safe...

COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update

Hello Embrace a Village family, We are living through a period in history that generations after us will learn about in school. It’s an intense time, and many of us are at a crossroads.  Do we choose faith or fear?  We can’t deny what is happening in our physical...

The Invisible Side Effects Of Leprosy

The Invisible Side Effects Of Leprosy

Leprosy may start with discoloration or irritation of the skin, but this disease is far more than skin deep. While the physical impact of this debilitating disease is astounding, we often forget to look past the physical ailments and see the emotional and spiritual...