Month: March 2021

An electric shock that changed his entire life

An electric shock that changed his entire life

How one accident changed one man’s life forever and led Him to the Lord. Ramachandran was a welder and experienced an electric shock while working on the welding machine when he was 29 years old. He was immediately taken to the hospital, and by God’s grace, he...

From suicide pact to finding true life in Jesus

From suicide pact to finding true life in Jesus

Special note: This story is powerful but sensitive. Our heart is to share the reality of what is happening at our Center and ask you to pray. Thank you for journeying with us. God is so faithful.  Hema’s story is devastating, yet God miraculously intervened in her...

The tender story of a man who lost his hands and feet to leprosy

The tender story of a man who lost his hands and feet to leprosy

Thankaraj cannot walk or speak. Leprosy stole his hands and feet, and he scoots on the floor to get around. He is from an area that we refer to as “The Hill Country,” an area that we visit monthly. We meet in a local YMCA and administer bandages, serve food, give...