Month: June 2021

What goats mean for leprosy patients

What goats mean for leprosy patients

A stigma that follows you long after the cure The social exclusion of leprosy packs the most powerful punch -- more so than the physical impairment. When society sees a lost or disfigured limb, patients are skipped over for jobs, marriages, and ways to provide and...

Goodbye shame. Hello, new opportunities

Goodbye shame. Hello, new opportunities

Obliterating shame through the Goat Project  With access to goats, food, and farming training, families are now able to support their families financially! 100% of your donations serve those that are affected by leprosy. If you’d like to...

Villager offers heartfelt thanks for food and medical supplies

Villager offers heartfelt thanks for food and medical supplies

Kicked out of her village at eight years old This is Indirani. She contracted the disease when she was eight years old and hasn’t seen her family since. After trying to go back to her village, she shared with us through tear-filled eyes that she was pushed out and...

Tragedy strikes the leprosy colonies

Tragedy strikes the leprosy colonies

Covid has entered the villages, and it’s heartbreaking. Please consider helping. Mourning the loss of our leader We can't sugarcoat the devastation that Covid-19 is starting to have in the leprosy colonies and villages. One of the colony leaders just passed away from...