Month: May 2022

We are hoping to expand our reach very soon!

We are hoping to expand our reach very soon!

Your generosity has fueled our expansion efforts - Thank you! Can you imagine not knowing where your next meal will come from? Or wonder where you’ll find the money for medication or bandages? Or where you’ll sleep because you’re welcome nowhere? These are the types...

Introducing our new guidance counseling service!

Introducing our new guidance counseling service!

We have some exciting news about our Little Lights Program! We’ve launched a career and guidance counseling service for all of our 10th-12th grade students. We recently sat down with these students to hear their hearts and were blown away! It was incredible to hear...

Villagers said her husband died because of her disease

Villagers said her husband died because of her disease

Her one dream was to live somewhere she was accepted. When she was 26 years old, Lyamma contracted leprosy and was sent to a government hospital for treatment. It broke her husband's heart, and he vowed to stay with her despite the horrific rejection and sneers from...