A Heartfelt Thank You: Transforming Lives Together

EAV, Stories

Today, I want to share with you a powerful story that beautifully illustrates the profound impact your generosity has on the lives of those we serve through Embrace a Village.

Santha Mary was only nine years old when she first noticed strange patches on her skin. Her parents, simple farmers in a small village, initially dismissed them as rashes from playing in the fields. But as the patches grew numb and turned into painful ulcers, concern took hold. The village doctor confirmed their worst fears: leprosy. In her village, leprosy was seen as a curse, a mark of divine wrath. Afraid of the stigma, Mary’s family sent her to a leprosy hospital near Chennai.

Mary’s heart broke as her parents never visited her during her time in the hospital. She cried every night, and no one could comfort her. She stayed in the hospital for several years, even after her treatment, because she had nowhere else to go.

At 18, Mary left the hospital and moved to a leprosy colony in Chennai. She found work cleaning a tea shop but couldn’t continue due to recurring ulcers on her legs. The shop owner eventually dismissed her, leaving Mary alone and vulnerable. She turned to begging on the streets, her frail body and bandaged hands a stark contrast to the city’s vibrant life. Each day was a struggle, with the pain from her ulcers a constant reminder of her isolation.

One humid afternoon, as Santha sat on the pavement near a busy market, a kind-hearted man noticed her. He worked with Embrace a Village. He approached Mary, offering her food and water, and listened to her story with compassion.

The next day, he returned with a small team from the organization. They carefully examined Mary’s wounds, provided her with clean bandages, and gave her essential medicines to treat her ulcers. They explained that leprosy was not a curse but a curable disease and assured her that she was not alone anymore. With regular care and medication, Mary’s condition began to improve. Embrace a Village found her a safe place to stay, where she could live with dignity. They also connected her with a community of other leprosy survivors, people who had faced similar hardships and understood her pain.

Mary’s journey from a rejected child to a survivor in Chennai is one of resilience and hope. With the support of Embrace a Village, she began to dream again. Mary’s story became an inspiration, a testament to the power of kindness and the resilience of the human spirit. In the heart of a bustling city, she found a new family, one who embraced her with open arms, proving that even in the darkest times, there is always a glimmer of hope.

Your contributions make stories like Mary’s possible. Your generosity provides not just essential medical care and supplies, but also hope and dignity to those who have been marginalized and forgotten.

As we continue this vital work, we thank you for your continued support. Your donations enable us to reach more people like Mary, transforming despair into hope and restoring lives with compassion and care. If you aren’t giving already, we humbly ask you to consider joining us with a one-time donation or setting up monthly support!