Food For Thought: How Our Nutritional Program Brings Healing


Most leprosy patients have ulcers on their hands and feet which limits their ability to work. Between the wounds and the severe stigma that surrounds leprosy, most are left to beg on the streets. It is humiliating, but they do it for survival and to support and feed their families.  

Over the years, we have worked to build a sustainable ministry that not only feeds souls with the Good News of Jesus Christ, but also fills very hungry bellies!

Every month, we are able to feed 4,000 people, including our patients, their families, and staff—even during a pandemic. We are grateful for how the Lord has guided us over the years so that we would be prepared for such a time as this.  


Our Nutritional feeding programs help provide additional bodily care to residents in the areas we serve. Through our feeding program, we offer nutritional education to families plus 22lbs of rice per month. This program ensures families get enough rice to significantly supplement their food requirements for the month. 

Little Lights

Many parents also have the opportunity to send their children to our Little Lights after school tutoring program where they receive a full meal. Without a doubt, this is their most nutritious and best meal of the day.

We are also so grateful to Jack and Sandy Kennedy and their team at Go Power® who have worked to create a “Happy Bar” high-protein nutrition snack. Go Power® provides 900 Happy Bars to Embrace A Village every week. Children receive this snack Monday through Friday during our after-school program, and it is also available to those in hospice care.

Farming Efforts

We continue to work toward our long term goal of sustainable farming. We currently have 200 chickens that lay one egg per day—that’s 6,000 eggs per month! We use the eggs to feed both patients and staff and to barter for other food and veggies at the market. 

Rehabilitation Center

Our rehabilitation center also now has a goat farm that is tended to by our recovered patients. The goal of this project is for patients and villagers alike to breed goats themselves to supplement their income. We started with nearly 20 goats a year ago and now have over 40. 

If you would like to partner with us financially as we continue to grow in our farming and feeding efforts, we would be so grateful. Click here to donate now.

We’ll share more about our tilapia ponds, gardens, and greenhouse efforts next month—stay tuned!

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