From tragic loss to overflowing with love: Reshma’s story


She lost her mom at 3 years old, now she serves and loves those abandoned by society.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Reshma Dawar. She is 24 years old and works on staff with EAV. This is her story.

I am from a small village in Madhya Pradesh. My mother passed away from cancer when I was three years old. The death of my mom was the most painful reality to accept as a child. I cried a lot and truly missed her. Since she died when I was so young,  I didn’t fully understand a mother’s love. My grandma took the place of my mother, and cared for and loved me.

After some time, my father remarried, and we farmed a small piece of land that he owned. My brother and I would plow the land and sow vegetable seeds. My father sold these vegetables in the market to make money, and it was our only income.  

When I was 12 years old, we experienced a lot of hardship. We had no one to help us, but one day, my Christian uncle visited us. He shared about the powerful love of Christ, and encouraged us to put our faith in Jesus. I was touched by what Christ did for me on the Cross, and I decided to follow God. 

Later, my friends introduced me to Embrace a Village, and they shared the vision and their love for those who have leprosy. I wanted to make a difference for God, so I joined the ministry in 2013. 

For the last seven years, I’ve served the Lord here at EAV. Every day I have an opportunity to show Christ’s to our leprosy patients. I help mop the floor, wash dishes, wash clothes, and serve food to the patients in hospice. I am truly blessed to serve God here at EAV India.

We are so grateful for Reshma and her heart to love God and love people. Thank you for following our journey as we seek to serve those impacted by leprosy. We appreciate your prayers and financial support.