Honoring Mom’s Around the World


Mom’s sacrifice their own needs ahead of their families. They are fearless warriors and often the unsung heroes. Amrutha, a mom who suffers from leprosy is no exception. Tragedy has followed her, but her gentle resilience and faith in Jesus carry her every day. We can’t wait to share her story. 

But first, we invite you to celebrate all moms this Mother’s Day by gifting $40 towards a family impacted by this condition — in honor of a mom in your life. Forty dollars goes so far in India and can change someone’s life — their health — their kid’s education — everything.  


After her diagnosis, Amrutha was kicked out of her village and had her son taken away, and was left to begging on the streets. She eventually remarried and had another son, but soon after, lost her eyesight and fingers. 

She used to sit under a tree and hope someone might help her. Soon EAV started serving in her village and meeting with her twice a week. We gave her custom shoes to help prevent ulcers and rice to help supplement groceries. Life started changing, and Amrutha had hope again. 

And today? 

Amrutha receives shoes whenever she needs them, rice, and bandages for her wounds, and her three grandkids attend our after school tutoring program. And she says that while all of this is wonderful, she’s most grateful for church and how she gets to hear more about God! 


When generous supporters like you give, moms and grandmothers like Amrutha get hope back. That hope turns into better tomorrows, brighter futures for their families, and more opportunities to hear about Jesus and leave a legacy of faith for their children and grandchildren. Thank you for honoring moms like Amrutha all around the world today.


Want to support more moms like Amrutha? Join our monthly giving community, Embrace Hope, if you haven’t already.