
We are hoping to expand our reach very soon!

We are hoping to expand our reach very soon!

Your generosity has fueled our expansion efforts - Thank you! Can you imagine not knowing where your next meal will come from? Or wonder where you’ll find the money for medication or bandages? Or where you’ll sleep because you’re welcome nowhere? These are the types...

19,000 hospice meals provided this year so far!

19,000 hospice meals provided this year so far!

Easter morning, our hospice buzzed with excitement and hope as they worshiped Jesus the King! Patients relate with the Resurrection on a deep level Easter morning at our base buzzes with excitement. Patients wake up early in anticipation of the service ahead. It’s a...

This is how shoes combat leprosy

This is how shoes combat leprosy

Our friends at Hand of Hope generously provided a way for us to purchase the medical van you see in the pictures below. Because we can travel to villages near and far, we’re able to get customized shoes to people who desperately need them faster than ever before! ...

March Good News Update

March Good News Update

Hema loves college Sasi Kumar and his wife, who live at our rehab center in Coimbatore, visited Hema. This day coincided when many parents visited the school, and Hema was feeling quite sad. Sasi says that Hema was overwhelmed with joy and started dancing when she saw...

Bring hope to the next Abraham

Bring hope to the next Abraham

As a young man, Abraham worked alongside his father selling fish. Sadly, life changed drastically when he discovered white patches on his skin as a young man, Abraham worked alongside his father selling fish. Sadly, life changed drastically when he discovered white...

Real Change is Happening

Real Change is Happening

492,840 That’s the number of meals served since Embrace a Village first started!  That’s largely due to people like you who saw the need, shared your resources, and helped an individual or family have access to a nutritious meal. You’re seeing the need, meeting it,...

We are full of faith for 2022!

We are full of faith for 2022!

BIG DREAMS FOR THE FUTURE This year marks 19 years since Joe first encountered the devastating effects that leprosy has on people's lives in India, and God called him to join up with Anil Kumar and start to Embrace a Village. Your prayers, support, and encouragement...