Finding Hope in the Heart of Affliction: Lukas's Journey of Faith and Redemption In 2004, Embrace a Village began its work in Deviyakurichi, a leprosy colony nestled in the rolling hills of Salem district in Tamil Nadu. This colony became a refuge for those afflicted...
Nurturing Bright Minds: Anushka’s Journey with Embrace a Village
Nurturing Bright Minds: Anushka's Journey with Embrace a Village Your ongoing support of Embrace a Village has been instrumental in shaping the lives of children, allow me to share an example of how… Today we get to introduce you to Anushka, a vivacious 10-year-old...
A New Year, A Renewed Hope: Ramaswamy’s Journey of Transformation
Ramaswamy's Journey of Transformation As we step into the promise of a new year, we find ourselves reflecting on the incredible impact your prayers and support have had on the lives we touch at Embrace a Village. Your unwavering commitment continues to be the driving...
The Resilience of Eswaran and Embrace a Village’s Impact
The Transformative Power of Compassion and Support We are writing to share a remarkable story that has touched our hearts deeply and drives our unwavering commitment to positively impact the lives of those in need. Meet Eswaran, a resilient 55-year-old man who has...
Update on Jay’s incredible story!
Jay’s 10 year journey! Jay's journey is a testament to the incredible power of resilience and the transformative impact of love and care. Once abandoned and left to suffer alone, Jay's life seemed to spiral into darkness. The weight of leprosy burdened him physically,...
The story of Devraj – a leprosy patient who found hope
Heartwarming tale of hope and courage. Today we share with you the incredible story of Devraj, a leprosy patient from a small village in Pollachi, Coimbatore district. Devraj was a farmer who was affected by leprosy at the age of 30. Sadly, his family never took him...
Highlights you won’t want to miss – January 2023
Breaking cycles within the upcoming generation! Little Lights was started to help kids impacted by leprosy thrive in their education, learn about God, and receive a nutritious meal each day. It’s free for families, helps students find joy in learning, and boosts their...
We exist because of your support, advocacy, and prayers.
We hope you’ve had a beautifully special week with your family and loved ones! Our hearts are full of thanks and love for each of you. Our ministry and impact here in India exist because of your support, advocacy, and prayers. Thank you! As we pass on your support to...
An invitation to support a family like Subbamma’s.
She needed help, and EAV showed up. We get to meet some incredible people through our ministry in India. Our friend Subbamma has been an honor to know and serve. Subbamma, 56 years old, is a beautifully joyful woman living with her daughter in Thiruvalur district of...
Bringing hope to the hill stations!
Incredible event at a hill station where many are experiencing healing and hope for the first time! A hill station is a town located at a higher elevation than the nearby plain or valley – these are often very difficult to get to, and the residents end up isolated...
A small act can bring great impact
Turning a life of survival into a life with purpose! Prior to his leprosy diagnosis at the age of 45, Subramani and his wife were farmers. They were able to provide for themselves and their daughter. Unfortunately, leprosy eventually kept him from being able to work,...
No one should be left alone in life’s greatest hardships.
No one should be left alone in life’s greatest hardships. Unfortunately, for too long, Subalakshmi was left to deal with her leprosy diagnosis completely on her own. At the age of 25, when Subalakshmi’s life should have been taking off, she first discovered her...